Youth Mobility Scheme Visa (Tier 5) (Part 1 of 2)
A surprisingly big number of my readers are interested in Youth Mobility (Tier 5) Visa. I, therefore, created an article, explaining the essence of this application. Due to its length, I’ve divided it into two parts. This is part 1 of this article. You can read part 2 HERE.
Purpose of this route
This route is for sponsored young people from participating countries and territories who wish to live and work temporarily in the UK.
This is a point-based system route. This means that you’ll need to score a certain number of points to succeed in the application.
Three Key Elements

There are only three key elements in a successful application:
- You need to prove that none of the general grounds for refusal applies to you
- The eligibility requirements and
- The procedure prescribed by the Home Office.
It is not possible to make this application while in the UK on another visa. You’ll need to leave the UK and apply in your country of origin.
General Grounds for Refusal
The decision-maker starts considering your application with checking that you are not caught by any general grounds for refusal. In other words, that you are a suitable person to enter the UK.
There are two types of general grounds for refusal: mandatory and discretionary.
Mandatory is when the decision-maker will have no choice but is under an obligation to refuse the application if you are caught by one or more mandatory ground for refusal.
Discretionary, as is rather obvious from the term itself, is when the decision-maker has a discretion when reaching his or her decision on discretionary grounds for refusal. They can decide to exercise the discretion in your favour and allow the application. Sometimes, although they have discretion, they still chose to disallow the application.
I’ve explained mandatory grounds for refusal for entry clearance applications (when you apply outside the UK) in THIS ARTICLE.
You can find an article about discretionary grounds for refusal HERE.
The Eligibility Requirements
You’ll need to score 50 points for this application. 40 points are for meeting the eligibility requirements of Appendix A (attributes). You’ll score an additional 10 points for meeting the requirements of Appendix C (funds).
There is no English language requirement for this type of application. However, in addition to scoring 50 points, you’ll need to provide evidence confirming that you meet some other requirements.
Appendix A: Attributes (40 points)

You’ll get 30 points if you are a national of one of the following countries: Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Japan, Monaco, Taiwan, Hong Kong and South Korea. These countries are called ‘countries with Deemed Sponsorship Status’.
You can also get these points for being a British Overseas Citizen, British Territories Overseas Citizen or British National (Overseas). Citizens or nationals who qualify and are not from the countries, which I’ve listed above, will be called ‘countries without Deemed Sponsorship Status’.
The UKVI will give further 10 points to you for your age if you are between 18 and 31. You need to be under 31 when you apply and not when your application is granted.
Appendix C: Funds (10 points)
To get your 10 points for meeting the financial requirement, you’ll need to have at least £1,890 in your bank account.
This is the end of part 1 of this article. You can read part 2 HERE.
If you are interested in this type of application, please feel free to subscribe to this list: TIER 5 LIST.
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