The Genuine Student Rule in Student Visa (Tier 4 (General) Applicants (Part 2 of 3)





The applicant’s education history, study and post-study plans

The sky is the limit here in terms of how deep the decisions-makers can go to establish that you satisfy this factor. Here are some examples:

The Genuine Student Rule in Student Visa
The Genuine Student Rule in Student Visa

REASONS FOR STUDY: the amount of time that has elapsed since you last studied, and whether you have sound reasons for returning to, or commencing, formal study of this subject, particularly after any significant gap.


COMMITMENT: whether you have sufficient commitment to the course. How can you prove that you have sufficient commitment? You can do this very simply by explaining why this course is important to you. For example when, as a result of finishing the relevant course of study, you’ll considerably increase your chances of securing a well-paid job in your country of origin.


ACADEMIC PROGRESSION: whether the course represents academic progression for you. For example, if you already have a Bachelor Degree in the subject you would like to continue studying in the UK, the next logical step will be to do a Master’s Degree.


RESEARCH: the credibility of your rationale for, knowledge of, and level of research undertaken into, the proposed course of study and sponsoring institution, and living arrangements in the UK. In other words, why this course and have you thought through the details of your stay in the UK.


DEPENDENTS: how the circumstances of any dependant may affect your ability and motivation to study? It is possible to study in the UK even if you have kids. However, you need to explain this aspect. You need to explain who is going to look after your children when you are away and why you chose to leave your children to study in the UK. Logically, the decision-maker will want you to show serious reasons for your decisions.


The Genuine Student Rule in Student Visa
The Genuine Student Rule in Student Visa

RELEVANCE: the relevance of the course to post-study plans in the UK or overseas. The decision-maker may become quite suspicious if you choose to study Fashion design after dedicating half a decade of your life to studying physics. However, this does happen and there is nothing in the Immigration Rules, which may prevent you from making U-turns in your education. All you need is to properly explain the reasons behind all your decisions.


INTENTION: whether you intend to comply with the terms of your visa, including the requirement to leave the UK when their leave comes to an end (or, where lawful and appropriate, to apply to extend you visa under Tier 4 or to switch to another immigration route). You need to bear in mind that only Tier 4 (General) students sponsored by a HEP (Higher Education Providers) with a track record of compliance, an overseas HEI (Higher Education Institution) or an embedded college offering pathway courses are permitted to extend their leave or switch to another route from within the UK.





Tier 4 General Student UK Immigration Route
Tier 4 General Student UK Immigration Route

Further Help

And finally, if you are thinking of submitting a visa application, you will significantly increase your chances for success by understanding the rules and the process of your visa application. I, therefore, created a number of online courses to help you do exactly that. Knowledge will give you confidence and may help avoid refusal. For more information about the courses CLICK HERE.

The Genuine Student Rule in Student Visa (Tier 4 (General) Applicants (Part 2 of 3)